It is possible to start the route directly from the train station from Gulbene railway station - also beginning-end point of Gulbene-Alūksne narrow gauge train "Bānītis". The Greenway in its entire length is part of the EuroVelo 11 route. The Greenway has a gravel/sand surface.
You can continue your travel until the Latvia/Russia border. Here you should take your passport with you! While travelling in frontier border (2 km from state border), you have to receive an order which is handed out by State Border Guard Service
Several greenways sections are already completely restricted to motorized traffic, forestry machinery can be expected on the route.
•The route and route connections are signposted with km signs and directional signs on old railway sleepers placed on major crossroads
• Info stands with detailed information are placed at both ends of the Greenway, as well as at several locations in-between
• the route goes through the rural areas and small villages where shops and accommodations are available
• On some of the route sections motorized transportation might appear from the local houses and farms
• Bike rental and technical support on the route: SIA “VeloTava” +371 27001128

Gulbene railway station

Railbiking at Gulbene station

Žīguri former railway station


Resting place at Kubuļi


Gulbene train station