Ainaži-valmiera 85km
You can start your trip from Valmiera railway station where the train goes to Riga – Valga. Green Railways trail and connection routes are all signposted.
The trail goes through countryside, over the rivers, through swamps, and begins/ends the sea by Ainaži pier. In Puikule the greenway crosses another greenway: Limbaži - Rūjiena section. Valmiera is connected with Ieriķi - Gulbene greenways via signposted Tour de LatEst cycling route.
• Info stands with detailed information are placed at both ends of the Greenway, as well as at several locations in-between
• The Greenway is entirely closed for motorised traffic on sections between Dauguļi to Puikule junction, on other route sections minor traffic (e.g. forestry machinery, local traffic) could be present
• In Puikule you can take another Greenway either to Limbaži (Riga direction) or Mazsalaca (towards Estonia)
Recommended to visit:
Valmiera: You will experience the dynamic rhythm of the Valmiera city enjoying outdoor recreational activities, sports and cultural events, as well as viewing marvelous open-air landscapes, whereas historic buildings of the city will fill you up with ancient feelings.
Valmiermuiža Craft Brewery is a place where brews tasty beer, practice Latvian traditions and honor historical values.
Dikļi palace - after a long day of cycling or hiking you are welcome for a dinner / stay overnight at the magnificent palace hotel, located just a bit more than 2 kilometers away from the greenway. Please, contact the palace before visiting regarding opening times
Ainaži Northern pier is place, where you can enjoy the eternal cinema of nature – sunset – with shows every evening and every season. The pier once used be the place where the ships were loaded from the narrow-gauge train
Zilaiskalns was especially holy place for ancient nations, there also is visitor center with exhibiton and facilities. In the future (2020) it is planned to connect Zilaiskalns former peat factory railway line with Ainaži-Valmiera greenway, it has already been indicated in the printed maps
At the moment the line towards Zilaiskalns has been cleaned and is entirely passable, but there is still no bridge over river Briede! Check the details on pdf map near 62th km.
In summertime on the route you can encounter Heracleum sosnowsky plants, please, do not touch them!

Ainaži pier

Railway bridge in Valmiera (Dzelzītis)

Greenway in Kocēni Municipality

Narrow-gauge rails in asphalt near Dikļi